Fuel quality varies from station to station, which can grossly affect the overall performance, fuel economy, and longevity of your diesel engine. Further, auto manufacturers will not warranty anything that they can blame on poor fuel quality. Leave your mind at ease for your next fill-up by adding a dose of Diesel Extreme.
Hot Shot's Secret® Diesel ExtremeTM Clean & Boost is a fully formulated and concentrated fuel system cleaner and engine cleaner. Designed to remove deposits and improve the performance of all types of diesel engines, from semi-trucks to RVs, this diesel injector cleaner removes all internal diesel injector deposits (IDIDs) and external diesel injector deposits (EDIDs) as well as waxy and polymeric deposits that can clog the fuel filter. Our powerful diesel additive and fuel cleaner cleans out injector tips, cylinders, fuel lines, and tanks, all while dispersing moisture to deliver a more efficient system. Once the fuel system is clean, Diesel ExtremeTM contains several premium additives to enhance performance. A cetane boost can improve cetane ratings by 7 points for better combustibility, fuel economy, and horsepower. With improved combustibility, you can reduce the number of diesel particulate filter (DPF) regeneration cycles required. Use 8 oz per 20 gallons of diesel fuel. Add during fuel up and run every 6,000 miles for best results. For use in all diesel engines.
- 16 oz. bottle treats 40 gallons of diesel fuel
- 1 quart treats 80 gallons of diesel fuel
- 2 quarts treat 160 gallons of diesel fuel
- Use one treatment of Diesel Extreme every 6 months.
Diesel Extreme is extremely effective in middle distillate fuels to improve combustion and ignition efficiency, enhance fuel economy, and maintain fuel in a clean, stabilized condition. Hot Shot's Secret Diesel Extreme is safe in all diesel engines: semi-trucks, pick-up trucks, farm equipment, and autos. Including but not limited to Ford Powerstroke, Dodge Cummins, GM Duramax, Saab, Volkswagen, and Audi.
Fuel detergents commonly have five elements: rust and corrosion inhibitor, cetane booster, fuel stabilizer, metal de-activator, and detergent dispersant. Most fuel detergent products on the retail shelf are "boost now, die later" products. They contain minimal cleaners and maximum boosters so that the driver experiences only a short-term boost. Trying to "boost" a dirty fuel system is ineffective.
Hot Shot's Secret Diesel Extreme is designed to support a "clean then boost" strategy. Diesel Extreme is unsurpassed in its cleaning power and will cleanse your whole system including cylinders and lines. It will restore your fuel system components to their original cleanliness and prepare them for maximum response when Diesel Extreme's cetane booster kicks in.
Diesel Extreme is a concentrated cetane improver that also contains a highly effective fuel stability package. It will tremendously upgrade power and performance in all diesel equipment, increase mileage, and provide maintenance economy. Storage stability of fuels will be greatly increased and diesel engines will be kept in a much cleaner and maintenance-free condition. In addition, Diesel Extreme has a stabilizing system to improve storage stability that will prevent polymerization and breakdown of hydrocarbons which results in gum and sludge formation. The dispersant prevents insoluble residues from forming, which are sometimes produced when mixing fuels from different sources. Corrosion is prevented by an inhibitor which produces a protective non-deposit-forming film on metal surfaces in the fuel.
Diesel Extreme will improve cetane in the fuel giving it a smoother, less erratic pressure buildup in the combustion chamber during the ignition delay period, which occurs between injection and ignition. Controlling this pressure buildup eliminates the potential damage to piston rings and rod bearings. Power and fuel economy increase as fuel burns more evenly and cleanly. Misfiring is controlled. When ignition improves, emissions are reduced and noise levels are lowered. Control of the pressure buildup allows more complete burning of the refractive molecules in the fuel, which steal power and produce deposits and wear. Cetane improvement gives quicker starts and faster warm-ups at cold temperatures. Diesel Extreme will lower the minimum starting temperature of a diesel engine by approximately 5°F.
Controlling Misfires, Stabilizing the Fuel System, and Improved Engine Performance. The point at which misfiring occurs in a diesel engine is influenced by the temperature of the intake air. Diesel Extreme will lower the temperature at which misfiring occurs by as much as 30°F. The fuel stabilizing system in Diesel Extreme eliminates problems caused by sludge, corrosion, rust or scale in degraded fuels. Sticking fuel injectors and plugged lines and filters are prevented, saving costly fuel and reducing maintenance. Engine performance is improved and wear is reduced when operating with clean, stabilized, sludge-free fuel. Diesel Extreme will not only prevent potential acid and sludge-forming reactions, which cause both corrosive and abrasive wear but will disperse existing sludge and deposits.
- ManufacturerHot Shot's Secret High Performance Additives
- MPNP040416Z | P040432Z | P040464Z | P040401G
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