The factory differential covers and transmission pans are typically built from stamped steel and serve just one purpose: to keep oil inside. While that's a great job to have, there's always potential ... read more
The factory differential covers and transmission pans are typically built from stamped steel and serve just one purpose: to keep oil inside. While that's a great job to have, there's always potential for more, and BD-Power invested the time to determine what improvements could be made for an overall better running truck. But how? First and foremost, hot fluids are detrimental to your powertrain, so anytime you can keep them at a stable temperature, the components will last longer. In order to accomplish cooler fluids, BD builds their differential covers and transmission pans to hold additional fluid. In doing so, the heat can be displaced to more fluid, causing a cooling effect. Further, by integrating heat-dissipating fins into the design, ambient air has more surface area to reduce the internal temperature. Pretty cool, huh? And to really put the icing on the cake, most include magnetic drain plugs that make servicing the differential or transmission a lot cleaner compared to just dropping the factory cover and praying the oil makes it in the drain pan. And finally, what truck enthusiast wouldn't appreciate the added style a set of aftermarket differential covers give your truck?
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