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Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transfered. Sound familiar? It should, its known as the Law of Conservation of Energy and it aslo applies to anything mechanical, such as your powertr ... read more

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HeatShield Products Lava Turbo Shield HP-300073-main 0.00 HeatShield Products Lava Turbo Shield Heatshield Products 300073 Diesel Power Products offers HeatShield Products Lava Turbo Shield

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transfered. Sound familiar? It should, its known as the Law of Conservation of Energy and it aslo applies to anything mechanical, such as your powertrain. While eliminating any form of heat energy from your engine is essentially impossible, it can at least be controlled, and one way you can aid that is with Heatshield's line of products. Heatshield Products is a family owned and operated business and has been since 1985, bringing you the best heat shields, exhaust wraps, heat protective sleeves and thermal insulation around. Thermal management is all about improving the efficiency and performance of your vehicle. Because at the end of the day, if you can control heat, you can create more power with fewer failures.


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