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Exhaust Brakes | 2004.5-2005 GM 6.6 Duramax LLY

While its true that the Allison transmission is capable of handling some serious loads while descending a hill with its automatic downshift feature, it still leaves something to be desired, especially ... read more

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BD Exhaust Brake 04.5-07 6.6L LLY Duramax 1024310/11 BD-1024310-main 0.00 BD Exhaust Brake 04.5-07 6.6L LLY Duramax 1024310/11 BD-Power 1024310 Diesel Power Products carries the BD Exhaust Brake 04.5-07 6.6L LLY Duramax 1024310/11 BD Rocker Switch for Exhaust Brakes with 3/4" Manual lever 1030910 BD-1030910 10.00 BD Rocker Switch for Exhaust Brakes with 3/4" Manual lever 1030910 BD-Power 1030910 Diesel Power Products carries the BD Rocker Switch for Exhaust Brakes with 3/4" Manual lever 1030910 BD Push/Pull Exhaust Brake Switch kit for Manual Transmissions with 3/4" lever 1300240 BD-1300240 10.00 BD Push/Pull Exhaust Brake Switch kit for Manual Transmissions with 3/4" lever 1300240 BD-Power 1300240 Power Products carries the BD Push/Pull Exhaust Brake Switch kit for Manual Transmissions with 3/4" lever 1300240 PacBrake 4" Exhaust Adapter C11342 PB-C11342 5.00 PacBrake 4" Exhaust Adapter C11342 PacBrake C11342 Diesel Power Products carries the PacBrake 4" Exhaust Adapter C11342 PacBrake Rocker Swith for Manual Trans. 01-05 6.6L GM Duramax LB7 / LLY C18040 PB-C18040 5.00 PacBrake Rocker Swith for Manual Trans. 01-05 6.6L GM Duramax LB7 / LLY C18040 PacBrake C18040 Diesel Power Products carries the PacBrake Rocker Swith for Manual Trans. for 01-05 6.6L GM Duramax LB7 / LLY C18040 PacBrake PRXB Exhaust Brake Kit 01-05 6.6L GM Duramax LB7 / LLY C40075 PB-C40075 40.00 PacBrake PRXB Exhaust Brake Kit 01-05 6.6L GM Duramax LB7 / LLY C40075 PacBrake C40075 Diesel Power Products carries the PacBrake PRXB Exhaust Brake Kit for 01-05 6.6L GM Duramax LB7 / LLY C40073 / C40074 / C40075 / C40076 PacBrake Premium Steel Auxiliary Air Tank HP10050 / HP10053 PB-HP10053-main 0.00 PacBrake Premium Steel Auxiliary Air Tank HP10050 / HP10053 PacBrake HP10050 Diesel Power Products carries the PacBrake Auxiliary Air Tank HP10050 / HP10053 / HP10051 Banks Power SpeedBrake All-Electronic Braking System 04.5-05 6.6L GM Duramax LLY BAN-55440 7.00 Banks Power SpeedBrake All-Electronic Braking System 04.5-05 6.6L GM Duramax LLY Banks Power 55440 Diesel Power Products carries the Banks Power SpeedBrake for 04.5-05 6.6L GM Duramax 55437 PacBrake 4" Inline Mounting Group C11400 PB-C11400 2.00 PacBrake 4" Inline Mounting Group C11400 PacBrake C11400 Diesel Power Products carries the PacBrake 4" Inline Mounting Group C11400 Banks Power Banks Brake 04-05 6.6L Duramax LLY BAN-55447 5.00 Banks Power Banks Brake 04-05 6.6L Duramax LLY Banks Power 55447 Power Products carries Banks Brake 2004-05 6.6L Duramax LLY 55447 BD Positive Air Shutdown (PAS) 04.5-16 GM Duramax BD-1036712-Main 0.00 BD Positive Air Shutdown (PAS) 04.5-16 GM Duramax BD-Power 1036712 When you need an emergency engine shutdown system for your Duramax, then BD has the solution that is hard to PASs up. Banks 61431 SpeedBrake with iDash 1.8 04.5-05 6.6L GM Duramax LLY BAN-61431 6.00 Banks 61431 SpeedBrake with iDash 1.8 04.5-05 6.6L GM Duramax LLY Banks Power 61431 One of the coolest parts about your LLY Duramax having a variable geometry turbo is that it can be electronically controlled to become an exhaust brake without all of the installation headache of a traditional exhaust brake.

While its true that the Allison transmission is capable of handling some serious loads while descending a hill with its automatic downshift feature, it still leaves something to be desired, especially when truly using the truck to its full potential. This is why we offer several solutions to help you get SAFELY to the bottom of the grade. At Diesel Power Products we carry exhaust brakes from the biggest and best names in the diesel exhaust brake industry. BD Engine Brake, PacBrake, and Banks have long been recognized as the innovators when it comes to light duty exhaust brakes.
Aside from the traditional butterfly valve style exhaust brakes, we also offer several models of Variable Vane Exhaust Brakes. These brakes take a unique approach to exhaust braking, essentially taking control of the factory variable vanes built into the factory turbo to create a similar type of retarding power. For those familiar with the 6.7L Cummins factory exhaust brake, the addition of an aftermarket device onto your Duramax will create the same effect. Overall, these types of brakes are much simpler to install and less expensive than a traditional in-line exhaust brake.
As always, if you have any questions about which brake is right for you and your truck, do not hesitate to give us a call or send an e-mail to cs@dieselpowerproducts.com and we would be happy to assist.


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