Written By: Lawrence "LT" Tolman
The big three started selling diesel pickups pretty heavily in the early 90’s, and as time went on, they h… read more.
Written By: Lawrence "LT" Tolman
Back in the days of the 8-track tape, bell-bottoms, and lava-lamps, over half of all cars on the road were equip… read more.
Written By: L.T. Tolman
When it comes to keeping an older truck on the road, you’ll always have small issues and maintenance items that nee… read more.
Written By: L.T. Tolman
If you want to take your diesel to the next level, there are plenty of options out there. Massive compound turbos, 250… read more.
We, at Diesel Power Products, recently ran across an excellent write up covering the ins and outs of Death Wobble written by our friends over at … read more.
Without a doubt, tire questions are among the most common we get around the DPP offices. Whether it’s a recommended tire for ride quality or lo… read more.
We get a lot of calls on a daily basis with customers trying to diagnose some type of issue with their truck. Fortunately, we're typically able … read more.