Auto Makers Protest Obama’s New Fuel Standards

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As the Obama administration pushes for the promotion of hybrid vehicles, some diesel auto makers will be left scrambling. Chrysler has announced beginning to push hybrid vehicles, stating they had “no choice” but to support the new fuel efficiency standards. Others are not backing down so easily.

Some auto companies are requesting that the government consider supporting dieselĀ and highly efficient gasoline engines as well. These car companies feel that the new standards are unfair, and that diesel vehicles should be on the same level as hybrids.

Public complaints will soon be filed requesting that Obama changes his proposed fuel efficiency standards adjustments.

Former Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta supports the group calling for fair treatment of clean diesel. Mineta believes that EVs are merely a fad, and that “people ought to be able to make up their own mind.”

While level ground for clean diesel and hybrid vehicles might not be reached soon, Obama’s changes won’t be finalized next year. This leaves these pro-diesel groups with several months of protest until their deadline.

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